People, Communities, and the Environment

Kiwi Journeys is proud to be 100% locally owned and operated. At Kiwi Journeys, we provide first class service, quality equipment, and cycle tours that you will remember forever. Our company, Kiwi Journeys, exists from true family values, taking care of people, place and community.

Supporting Our Community

Over the years we have had the privilege of supporting many schools, organisations and events, from educational programmes on Rabbit Island to fundraisers, quiz nights, and school fairs.

In 2019 Kiwi Journeys hosted its first fundraiser for the Cancer Society. This is now an annual event where our business community on the Mapua Wharf come together on a Sunday to support this great cause.

Kiwi Journeys continues to own and operate the Mapua Ferry. This is a fantastic asset for the community and is a unique feature on the Great Taste Trail. In the past this has been 100% funded by Kiwi Journeys, but are now proud to say that Kiwi Journeys have teamed up with the Tasman District Council to part fund the operation.

Promoting Sustainable Cycling Solutions

Sustainable Cycling Solutions_Kiwi Journeys

Kiwi Journeys is thrilled to be able to donate used helmets to Bike Hub Nelson to support their wonderful cause and their incredible work! Bike Hub Nelson provides a community-driven space for free bike repairs, cycling advice, and affordable bike sales. They promote sustainable transport and cultivate a supportive cycling community in Nelson. Bike Hub Nelson offers affordable bikes, maintenance, and education while ensuring accessibility for all.

Our Tiakii Promise

The Tiaki Promise is a commitment we have made to care for New Zealand, for now, and for future generations. To act as a guardian, protecting and preserving our home.

Tiaki means to care for people and place. New Zealand is precious, and everyone who lives and travels here has a responsibility to look after it. While travelling in New Zealand I will:

Protect Nature - Keep New Zealand Clean - Drive Carefully - Be Prepared - Show Respect


What else can be more easy on the environment than Cycling! but as the business has grown over the years so has the demand to do our part for the environment by reducing and eventually neutralising our carbon footprint.

We operate a modern fleet of passenger service vehicles therefore limiting the amount of carbon emissions.

After researching the ways to reduce our carbon footprint , it became apparent that we just don’t want to pay a company for this privilege. Instead we are working with trails and other great operators to come up with innovative ways to enhance the experience to one and all. For example, working with local operators with vision and passion to plant native trees.

Supporting our trails is a priority, and our customers are very supportive with giving back. We believe that adding value to the customer experience is a win win approach.

Employment Promise

Kiwi Journeys employ local staff in both full time and seasonal positions. We take pride in offering our seasonal staff the living wage as a base rate.

We believe a happy team culture drives great results, therefore offering the customer a true Kiwi Experience.

Our promise to our employees includes flexibility, social get togethers and staff benefits. This all bodes well for long time employees and a happy working environment.